Vihan Bhargava
About me
Full-stack developer based in the SF Bay Area.
I'm a student in computer science seeking to work in subjects from web design to cybersecurity. Whether it's designing a homepage or forensic analysis of bootloaders, I'm probably doing something with it!
See my projectsOpen-Source
Top open-source projects
Most of the modern high-level programming world is built around open-source work. Take a look at some of the projects I've worked on.
✏️ VSL: Versatile, Safe, Language
17 stars5 forksJavaScript
Node LLVM 4.0+ Bindings
127 stars19 forksC++
Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React
49,295 stars9,099 forksJavaScript
An improved user experience for competitive programming
27 stars9 forksJavaScript
Redirect `.idk` domains using the official link found on a topic's Wikipedia page
667 stars16 forksRust
Connects C, C++, and Objective-C to VSL along with iOS utilities
2 stars0 forksRust